
Please read the following provisions carefully, as they constitute a contract establishing the general conditions for the products and services listed in the e-catalog (or the shop) of RICHBOND Company. Phone number 08 100 52 52.

By clicking on the button “Confirm your order” after completing your order form, you confirm your order which constitutes an irrevocable acceptance of these general conditions. Therefore, you may only order products or services if you agree to the conditions outlined below.

O1. Preambule

The publishing and hosting of the website (hereinafter referred to as the "Website") , and the processing of its data, are managed by the company RICHBOND, a public limited company under Moroccan Law, with its registered office located at 265, bd Moulay Ismail Casablanca 04-20290, holder of tax identification n° 01640312 and registered in the Commercial Register of Casablanca under n° 32097, duly represented for the purposes herein by its legal representative (hereinafter referred to as "RICHBOND SA").

The operation of the Website complies with the provisions of these general terms of use and sale (hereinafter referred to as the "General Conditions") and in accordance with Moroccan legislation and regulations in force, notably but not limited to the Dahir of 9 Ramadan 1331 forming the Code of Obligations and Contracts, law No. 15-95 forming the Commercial Code, Law No. 31-08 enacting measures for consumer protection, Law No. 02-00 on copyrights and related rights, and Law No. 09-08 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data.

The following general terms of sale govern all transactions conducted on the e-catalog of RICHBOND Company. Any order placed on this website implies the unconditional and irrevocable acceptance of these conditions by the customer.

02. Objet

he present contract is a distance contract aimed at defining the rights and obligations of the parties within the framework of the products’ sale by RICHBOND Company online, through the Maroc Telecommerce platform is a service and a trademark registered by Richbond Company.

Maroc Telecommerce is a transaction management service and a trademark registered by Maroc Telecommerce S.A.

03. Definitions

Throughout the contract, each of the expressions mentioned below shall have the following definitions:

  • "User(s)": any buyer or visitor of RICHBOND Website.
  • "Distance contract": any contract concerning goods or services between RICHBOND Company and a consumer within the framework of selling or providing services remotely organized by RICHBOND Company, which, for this contract, exclusively uses the Internet network up to the conclusion of the contract, including the conclusion of the contract itself.
  • "Buyer": any natural person who, in this contract, acts for purposes not related to their professional activity.
  • "Order form": document that indicates the characteristics of the products ordered by the consumer and which must be signed by the consumer through a "double-click" to commit to it.
  • "Order": the act by which the consumer undertakes to purchase products and by which RICHBOND Company undertakes to deliver them.

By using the Website, the User certifies and committed to :

  • Be over eighteen (18) years old in the Gregorian calendar.
  • Have sufficient capacity to bind themselves or the entity they represent under these General Conditions.
  • Make fair and responsible use of the Website, respecting the interests of RICHBOND SA.
  • Refrain from any behavior or omission that could harm RICHBOND SA and/or other Users..
  • Guarantee RICHBOND SA and its legal representative against any potential liability arising from any exchange or communication of information or documents made through the Website, or from any use of the Website not envisaged by these General Conditions.
  • Have read and understood these General Conditions, and fully adhere to them without any exceptions or reservations.

04. Data processing and confidentiality

The security of your personal data is of utmost importance to us. We commit to not disclosing these data to third parties without your explicit consent.

RICHBOND SA is the company responsible for processing your personal data.

We collect your personal data for the purpose of managing customer accounts, commercial transactions, and customer relations.

Additionally, with your consent, we collect your login data for web usage and traffic metrics purposes, in accordance with Article 8 of deliberation n° 508-AU-2014 of 14/11/2014 relating to the standard model declaration concerning the processing of personal data relating to online sales.

We limit the use of your personal data as follows:

For managing customer relations: within our internal services for after-sales service, handling complaints, managing disputes and litigation, and conducting satisfaction surveys. For commercial prospecting: to our digital service provider in compliance with the provisions of Article 10 of Law No. 09-08 and other applicable legal and regulatory provisions. For technical management of the Website: to our technical service provider. International data transfer: By using our services, you consent to the transfer of your personal data to our cloud service provider, "DigitalOcean," a company based in the United States, for storage on a server hosted in Frankfurt, Germany.

The information collected on the Website is subject to processing aimed at ensuring its proper functioning and improving the quality of services offered by RICHBOND SA. This processing has been duly declared under processing number …………. to the CNDP (National Commission for the Protection of Personal Data) on …………

In accordance with the Law No. 09-08 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, you have the right at any time to access, modify, and object to all your personal data by sending an email to

The exercise of these rights is directly carried out by the concerned User by submitting a request to RICHBOND SA through:

The "Contact Us" section of the Website; Email to the following email address : , specifying the subject Written letter with acknowledgment of receipt, to be sent to: RICHBOND SA, Km 7, Angle Bd My Smail & ancienne route de rabat Ain sebaa Casablanca. Users of the Website, as well as customers and Buyers, voluntarily and expressly consent to the collection and processing of their personal data under the conditions stipulated in this Article 10 and these General Conditions.

Users of the Website, as well as customers and Buyers, voluntarily and expressly consent to the collection and processing of their personal data under the conditions stipulated in this Article 10 and these General Conditions.

Furthermore, if you have previously agreed, you may receive emails from RICHBOND, from which you can unsubscribe by clicking on the unsubscribe link provided at the bottom of each received email.

Privacy of information Richbond is committed to respect the confidentiality of personal information provided by visitors of the website aims to specify the type of information that may be collected during visits of the website , as well as the following use of this information.

05. Force majeure

RICHBOND is only obligated to fulfill its obligations to the extent that no event of force majeure impedes them.

06. Applicable law – Dispute resolution

Both this website and the terms and conditions of its use are governed by Moroccan law, regardless of the place of use. In the event of any dispute, and after the failure of any attempt to seek an amicable solution, the Moroccan courts shall have sole jurisdiction to hear this dispute.


For any inquiries, please contact us at 0801 045 054